Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu participă joi, 7 aprilie 2022, la reuniunea miniștrilor de externe din statele NATO, care desfășoară la Cartierul general al NATO de la Bruxelles. Este a treia întâlnire a miniștrilor de externe din statele NATO în cursul acestui an.

Agenda discuțiilor de astăzi include implementarea deciziilor Summitului extraordinar al NATO din 24 martie, cu accent pe consolidarea cuprinzătoare a posturii aliate de descurajare și apărare pe Flancul Estic, în urma agresiunii Rusiei asupra Ucrainei și a consecințelor acesteia asupra securității euroatlantice.

Prezentăm, mai jos, declarațiile de presă, în limba engleză, susținute de ministrul Bogdan Aurescu înaintea sesiunilor de discuții de joi, 7 aprilie 2022:

We have today a very important meeting of the NATO Foreign Ministers. It’s the third such meeting since the beginning of this year and, of course, the focus is on the response of the Alliance to the Russian aggression in Ukraine and its effects.

Yesterday evening we had a very good discussion on the preparation for the new Strategic Concept of the Alliance and the position of Romania – as I had the honour to express yesterday evening – is that we need a new Strategic Concept, adapted to the reality of now, of the moment, which is the worsened security situation because of the Russian aggression in Ukraine.

So, we need to deliver a NATO Strategic Concept which corresponds to the reality we are facing right now. I emphasized the fact that, because of that, the Strategic Concept should mention explicitly that Russia is the main threat to the security of the Alliance.

We need to also reflect the reinforcement of the posture of deterrence and defence on the Eastern Flank, and not only, of the Alliance. We need to reflect very clearly that collective defence is the core task of the Alliance. We need to also focus on many other issues, like the consolidation of the resilience of the Allies and a new strategic, innovative agenda of relations with the partners of the Alliance.

And speaking of partners, today we’ll start with a meeting of partners of the Alliance from the region, from Europe, but also from around the globe, like-minded partners. We will discuss with our colleague Dmytro Kuleba about Ukraine and how to further support Ukraine. We will also have together with us Georgia, Finland, Sweden, the European Union – because the partnership between NATO and the EU is very important – but also countries which supported us in our effort to counter Russian aggression, like Australia, Japan, South Korea and others. So it is very important to stand united, to coordinate further and, at the same time, to defend our common values.

Then, we will have a very important discussion on how to deal with the effects of the Russian aggression, how to support Ukraine further – a meeting between us, the Allies – and to prepare for the NATO Summit in Madrid.

Romania, as you know, is the Ally having the longest land border with Ukraine and we are riparian to the Black Sea, which is more and more exposed to the Russian aggression. And, because of that, I will inform our colleagues about the position of Romania – that we need stronger defence in order to have more effective deterrence on the Eastern Flank, especially at the Black Sea. And I will ask for a swift implementation of the decisions of the NATO Summit on the 24th of March, especially the speedy creation of the Battle Group in Romania, which is the first step in balancing the NATO presence on the Eastern Flank, but also of the second important decision of the Summit in March – which is the acceleration of the transformation process of the Alliance, by strengthening the posture on the Eastern Flank.

We need more forces, more capable forces, we need to enhance our readiness, our preparedness and, of course, this has to happen on land, in air and at sea.

Last but not least, we will discuss today, of course, about the humanitarian support for Ukraine.  Romania has granted a lot of support, for almost 700.000 Ukrainian refugees who crossed the border of Romania.

Thank you so much!


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Sursa: Comunicat de presă privind declarațiile ministrului afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu înaintea reuniunii miniștrilor de externe din statele membre NATO