Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu a participat joi, 24 februarie 2022, la reuniunea extraordinară a Consiliului Permanent al OSCE de nivel ministerial, care a avut loc în format hibrid.

În intervenția sa, ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu a condamnat în termenii cei mai fermi agresiunea militară a Rusiei asupra Ucrainei, precedată de recunoașterea așa-zisei „independențe” a regiunilor ucrainene separatiste Doneţk şi Luhansk. A arătat că aceste acțiuni reprezintă încălcări grave ale dreptului internațional și ale angajamentelor internaționale asumate de Federația Rusă, precum şi ale suveranităţii şi integrităţii teritoriale ale Ucrainei, respectiv ale inviolabilității frontierelor sale.

Ministrul Bogdan Aurescu a reiterat sprijinul ferm al României pentru suveranitatea şi integritatea teritorială ale Ucrainei, respingând calea reprobabilă și complet ilegală a violenței armate masive împotriva unui stat european. A arătat că România, alături de întreaga comunitate internaţională democratică, respinge hotărât acest comportament iresponsabil, care subminează fundamentul relaţiilor internaţionale şi ordinea internațională bazată pe norme.

Ministrul român a subliniat, în context, faptul că acțiunile agresive ale Federaţiei Ruse vor atrage un răspuns ferm, coordonat și substanțial din partea comunității euroatlantice.

Totodată, șeful diplomației române a reiterat solicitarea României de încetare imediată și necondiționată a operațiunilor militare ruse împotriva Ucrainei și retragerea tuturor forțelor ruse din Ucraina și încetarea oricăror presiuni la adresa Ucrainei.

Șeful diplomației române a făcut apel la asigurarea siguranței și securității membrilor Misiunii Speciale OSCE de Monitorizare în Ucraina și a reiterat importanța sprijinirii în continuare a Republicii Moldova și Georgiei, care se confruntă cu presiuni din partea Rusiei.

Totodată, ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu a reiterat solidaritatea deplină a României cu Ucraina și cu poporul ucrainean.


Prezentăm, mai jos, transcrierea în limba engleză a intervenției ministrului afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu cu această ocazie:

Mr. Chair, distinguished colleagues,

While fully aligning to the EU statement, I would like to make the following remarks, in my national capacity:

I join the previous speakers in thanking the Polish Chairmanship for convening this extraordinary and urgent meeting under these dire circumstances.

Minister Rau and his team spare no effort toward the diplomatic resolution of the current situation.  Unfortunately, Russia refused this path.

Romania firmly condemned Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine. Romania also strongly condemned the recognition of the so-called “independence” of the so-called “Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics”.

These acts represent very serious breaches of the international law, of Russia’s own commitments, and of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as of the inviolability of its borders.

We call on the Russian Federation to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all its military forces and equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine and to put an end to any pressure on Ukraine.

Let me recall that also in this venue, several times this year and last year, Romania, along with most of the OSCE Participating States, has repeatedly expressed concerns on Russia’s unprecedented and threatening massive military build-up and troops movement in proximity of Ukraine. We also drew attention on Russia’s increased military presence in Belarus, the Black Sea and the Azov Sea, and in the illegally annexed Crimean peninsula. Further, we have strongly condemned the dramatic increase in ceasefire violations along the line of contact in East Ukraine during the last days, the use of heavy weaponry, and the indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas.

These were signs of a continuous escalatory path decided by Russia in breach of the UN Charter, in spite of intense efforts from the transatlantic community towards de-escalation and dialogue. 

In the current circumstances, the safety and security of our monitors in the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine must be ensured. The Mission plays a vital role by monitoring and reporting on the security situation on the ground and we trust the OSCE Secretary General and the Polish Chairpersonship in taking the best decisions in this respect.

Romania, along with the entire democratic international community, strongly rejects such irresponsible behavior that undermines the very foundation of international relations and the rules-based international order. The OSCE key concept of co-operative and comprehensive security continues to be of utmost importance, and so are the principles of the Helsinki Final Act and of the Paris Charter. All these principles are equally important.

Today we witness an aggression towards an independent, sovereign state. Romania reiterates its firm support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

In these profoundly worrying circumstances, we also need to continue to support the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, who are also facing mounting pressure from Russia and are directly affected by the worsening security situation in the region. We stand firm in our support for their sovereignty and territorial integrity and for their right to make freely their own foreign policy decisions.

The Russian Federation must bear the consequences of this deeply illegal act. This will be met with the strongest reaction by the international community, inflicting massive consequences and the most severe cost. In full coordination with allies and partners, Romania will impose substantial response measures.

Thus, we strongly call for a responsible behavior from Russia and a plea to avoid loss of life and preserve the safety of civilian population.

 Romania reiterates its full solidarity with Ukraine and with the Ukrainian people. We stand ready to continue to support our neighbor, including by providing humanitarian assistance.

Distinguished Chair, I kindly request that this statement be attached to the journal of the meeting.

Thank you!

Sursa: Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu a condamnat agresiunea militară a Rusiei asupra Ucrainei la reuniunea extraordinară a Consiliului Permanent al OSCE